Good Bye to Frog


Jul 1, 2005
Dont I like win a prize for doing what you have all been afraid to do for the last 5 years? Many of you were so afraid of this prick it disgusted me. I never saw so much ass kissing all in the hopes of not becoming Frog's next target.
It really cracks me up that he thinks were supposed to believe that he's leaving because the rx lets me and another guy post. Frog has quit because he was caught posting winning predictions after the games were already over. I would be embarrassed too. Who would'nt run off like a little girl if they were caught doing something so shady to people he's been associating with for years? The guy who was so judgemental over the years to us forum users was caught being the most shady of us all. Now he's trying to take the high road and place the blame on the RX. Nice try Frog. Nobody buys it. Take the fall like a man Frog. Just like you did at BCN, you initiated another scam and got caught. Ive been trying to tell you for months now that there'e a huge difference between what you have done twice now and what I did to Royal. I was wrong in what I did but I was only trying to get back at Royal after they cheated and lied to me for months costing me 50 grand. Frog on the other hand initiates scams without any prompting. A true scammer. How many years will go by until people realize that what happened at Royal was only an act of revenge and I would never initiate a scam like Frog does time and time again?
In the wild kingdom doesnt the animal who kills the king become the king.? I only did what everyone wanted to do . Nobody had the courage to stand up to this bully. Everyone is celebrating the end of the bully's reign. Hold the applause just throw money.

Jul 1, 2005
Frog cant just walk away like a man. He has to place the blame on the rx. Frog was outed for cheating the forum users, his friends. Frog spent much of his life in this forum and now we find out he was cheating. Frog was posting winning picks after the games were final. So instead of being a man and just walking, Frog wants us to believe he is leaving becauise the RX lets people like me post. Ok Frog. Nice try pal. Trust me, this place will be much better off without Frog here. Now, half of the posters wont be afraid to post in fear of being attacked by OF. The biggset prick that nobody even knew. How could you guys be afraid of a guy that doesnt even exist but on the computer? Frog was so judgemental. Its kind of like those priests who get busted for molesting kids after preaching for years about how righteouss they were. What a phony Frog was. I predict that this forum will now get many more posts because the prick has left. Nobody will be afraid anymore.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
David1 said:
Frog cant just walk away like a man. He has to place the blame on the rx. Frog was outed for cheating the forum users, his friends. Frog spent much of his life in this forum and now we find out he was cheating. Frog was posting winning picks after the games were final. So instead of being a man and just walking, Frog wants us to believe he is leaving becauise the RX lets people like me post. Ok Frog. Nice try pal. Trust me, this place will be much better off without Frog here. Now, half of the posters wont be afraid to post in fear of being attacked by OF. The biggset prick that nobody even knew. How could you guys be afraid of a guy that doesnt even exist but on the computer? Frog was so judgemental. Its kind of like those priests who get busted for molesting kids after preaching for years about how righteouss they were. What a phony Frog was. I predict that this forum will now get many more posts because the prick has left. Nobody will be afraid anymore.

Well, thats solves HALF of the problem...

Jul 1, 2005
Whats the other half, getting over your fear even though he's gone? I know you want me gone too. How bad do you want me gone? Do you promise to warn the folks about Royal and Betus/Omni at least once a week? If you agree to this I will leave.

Jul 1, 2005
If you are talking about the thread where Frog goes out crying, one is here in the RR. Its called NONSENSE. The other one is on the front page and its called IF YOU WANT TO WIN 98.1%. What a coward.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
David1 said:
Whats the other half, getting over your fear even though he's gone? I know you want me gone too. How bad do you want me gone? Do you promise to warn the folks about Royal and Betus/Omni at least once a week? If you agree to this I will leave.

It would be nice to see a poster actually "contribute" rather than continually using our site ONLY to serve his own agenda....

You have contributed NOTHING at this site except bashing the same books and other posters....

No one is saying you are wrong about what you say about the books, however, THATS THE ONLY thing you do here....And to be honest, you dont have a whole lot of credibility yourself, so it seems like a big wasted "tour de force"......

And as to "how bad do we want you gone"...if we wanted you gone that bad, YOU WOULD BE......

We are giving you a chance to try and contribute something else, but it sure hasnt shown up yet

Jul 1, 2005
This just isnt true. I only attack Frog bacause he has been so cruel to me. I dont attack anyone else. Thats not me. Frog just wouldnt leave me alone. Every post I made here comes Frog the prick.

As far as saying I create no posts that are unrelated to Royal and Betus. This is also false. You just choose to ignore this fact. All you have to do is check my post history and you will see that what you are saying is not true. Even those threads were infiltrated by Frog. I love sports and have lots to say. I promised these books that I would never stop informing gamblers about the dangers of these books so thats what im doing. I promise, I dont intend on annoying people with it. I just want to make sure that no person sends Royal or Betus/Omni money.

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